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Richard Bown's Resume Summary

This is a one page Introduction of my experience and my qualifications. 
University graduate and university attestation of studies in: mathematics, statistics and econometrics, operations research and management information systems. 
Professor at the University of Sherbrooke responsible for the content integration of a Bachelor’s degree major in Management Information Systems (M.I.S.) with the added responsibility of teaching comparative data bases and information micro-economics at the Master’s level. Also, within the teaching framework, course instructor and lecturer for the UQUAM and network training officer for the Canadian Federal Government. This also includes adult education. 
Graduated training from IBM in mainframe and mini systems architectures including real-time and on-line telecommunications. 
Within IBM, I was an accredited specialist in manufacturing process control, follow-up and management of project life cycle methodology. Later, I earned the additional accreditation in marketing representation, sales and support with a specialty on competitive product knowledge. 
More than twenty years of experience in: financial institutions, banking industry, retail sales (including point-of-sale), wholesale, distribution, manufacturing and mining. 
Data-processing chronological responsibilities: operations center supervision, programming, modeling, designing, data base architecture, project life cycle methodology application, software quality assurance, project management, planning, staffing, scheduling, coordinating, control and reporting, senior project management, planning, preparation and drafting of IT management long-term and master plans. 
Expertise in management development application environments: project management, planning, project control, design, development, quality assurance, implementation and support, system migration, networking and office automation (multi-platforms). 
Expertise in presentation techniques: briefings, training, symposiums and conferences. 
Languages: Bilingual, English and French, spoken and written 

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