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The Whys - Explaining the perspectives

Technology today has evolved to the point where most - unbeknownst to the user - are based on simple artificial intelligence processes born of expert systems. There is much more room for improvement, the client is unaware of this and should be. This is now the Tecchie's job, in background.  
Foremost to the user is what is out there and how can it be applied? It works well, it works easily with other pieces of the solution.  
We now need a new breed of resource: the facilitator, communicator, the visionnary but all-in-one. One individual. Knowledge from Experience and Training. 
Microsoft abstract from March 2008, msdn : 
The complexity of technologies and products offered today demands the guidance and design expertise of knowledgeable and experienced IT professionals… 
There are several kinds of architects in a Corporation: Enterprise Architects, Infrastructure Architects, Software Architects, and Line-of-Business Architects. 
Organizations must realize the need for solutions architects, their roles, and responsibilities in the VISION process, as well as recognize their value first before they recruit architects to help build the future.  
Knowledge of the Technologies and how they can best be subservient to the Corporate Vision. 
The following link outlines most of the areas of involvement from a technology kmnowledge base. The Business Vision is not addressed per se"  
Link to Microsoft
" This now requires a specialist with a Multi-Disciplinary Business Background with the talent and qualifications this responsibility deserves. " Richard L. Bown

(c) Solutions Architects - Made with the help of
Last modified on 19.10.2010
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